
SOLAR Install GURU Blog


Mohidul Saad

Mohidul Saad is a co-founder of SOLARINSTALLGURU.COM, author and renewable energy benefit educator. He provides FREE online and offline training to home and business owners who are interested in reducing their electricity bills by 90 percent while slashing solar panel installation cost by 30-80 percent. DOWNLOAD this FREE renewable energy benefit education guide "101 ways to install solar system with little or no out of pocket cost" and start saving today.

Solar Energy System Can Slash Electricity Bill By 90%

updated at : Saturday, January 14th, 2017

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Slash Your Energy Bill by 90%

A solar energy system for your home can be dual purpose when it comes to savings. It can significantly reduce the electricity bill and cost of gas if you own an electric car. You can charge your car battery and reduce the cost of gas.  You can still save more money if you don’t have an electric car! Just send your excess electricity back to the power company grid and get paid for it.

Solar energy system can slash electricity bill and reduce cost of driving

Installing a solar energy system will not only relieve you from the burden of high electricity bills, it can even reduce the cost of operating an electric car. If the solar energy system on your rooftop is producing more electricity than is needed by your home, you can invest in a fully electric automobile and some of the extra electricity can go to charging your car. This can amount to savings of hundreds of dollars per month. According to www.ucsusa.org, a typical electric vehicle owner saves about $750 to $1200 a year on the cost of gas. You should not suffer the burden of having to pay for high electricity bills when there is a free source of energy at your disposal. A solar energy system installation would be a great investment that would consistently reap financial benefits, as described above.

Initial Costs

Do not worry about the initial costs. The solar energy system pays for itself and there are options to lease so the out-of-pocket-cost is zero. Investing in solar will eradicate one aspect of home ownership that drains money.  Instead, it will save you money and put green cash back into your pocket.
A solar energy system does not only slash your electricity bill but can also help you reduce or eliminate the cost of gasoline if you own an electric car. You can slash your electricity bill by about 90 percent. You can also reduce your cost of gas by as much as $1200 a month by using your extra renewable energy for charging your car battery.

download renewable energy benefit education guide for FREE and start saving thousands

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Solar Energy System Can Slash Electricity Bill By 90%
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Solar Energy System Can Slash Electricity Bill By 90%
You are paying high electricity bills and cost of driving your car is high. Solar energy system can slash your electricity bill and reduce cost of driving
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