
SOLAR Install GURU Blog


Shahed Kamal

Shahed Kamal is a co-founder of SOLARINSTALLGURU.COM. His vision is to make America energy independent by going solar. His mission is to educate consumers about the benefits of solar through SOLARINSTALLGURU's e-book, videos and blogs.

Advantages of Solar Energy: Reduce Carbon Footprint

updated at : Saturday, January 27th, 2018

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Advantages of Solar Energy: Reduce Carbon Footprint

Advantages of Solar Energy: Reduce Carbon Footprint

Advantages of Solar Energy: Reduce Carbon Footprint

If there is a way to help the environment, wouldn’t you want to help? Did you know how detrimental a carbon footprint can be to our environment? Why not help the environment by reducing that carbon footprint?

Fossil fuels must be burned to produce electricity. Did you know that burning them creates a lot of unwanted byproducts which not only pollute the air by releasing huge amounts of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, but also pollutes the water? Not only that, but the process by which fossil fuels are located, excavated and transported is invasive and detrimental to the land. We don’t want that for our environment. So what’s the alternative? The alternative is harnessing solar power as energy. The environmental benefits of solar energy outweighs the use of fossil fuel which is polluting the planet.

According to RGSEnergy.com, solar panels produce power through a natural process called photovoltaic. By doing so, the solar panels produce power without any waste or emissions into the environment. There’s not just one benefit to the environment from a home solar system. Did you know a solar system reduces air pollution? You’re not burning any fossil fuels to harness power from the sun. So there’s no effect to the climate unlike fossil fuels that cause the “greenhouse effect”. Using solar energy also means there’s no effect to the landscape. You’re not mining or stripping the land to produce energy from the sun like you would with fossil fuels. The detrimental impact of a large carbon footprint to our environment can be eased by the installation of a solar system on your home. By doing so, you are investing in clean energy for your generation and the next.


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Advantages of Solar Energy: Reduce Carbon Footprint
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