
SOLAR Install GURU Blog


Mohidul Saad

Mohidul Saad is a co-founder of SOLARINSTALLGURU.COM, author and renewable energy benefit educator. He provides FREE online and offline training to home and business owners who are interested in reducing their electricity bills by 90 percent while slashing solar panel installation cost by 30-80 percent. DOWNLOAD this FREE renewable energy benefit education guide "101 ways to install solar system with little or no out of pocket cost" and start saving today.

Solar Panel Installation Company Selection Process

updated at : Thursday, January 19th, 2017

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Solar panel installation company and solar panel installation

Solar Panel Installation Company Selection

The solar panel installation company selection is an important step in the solar energy system installation journey. The first step in finding the best solar energy system installer is seeking someone who is experienced. They should guide you through this project while helping you use all the available incentives so you have to pay less out of pocket for your solar energy system.  It is vital that your installer be knowledgeable about your specific site and also your eligibility in regards to incentives that are available to you. When looking into solar panel installation companies, it is essential that you ask the right questions. Some possible questions include:

  1. How many solar energy systems have they installed in the past?
  2. What kind of warranty programs do they offer in terms of installation and equipment?
  3. Would the warranty still be viable if the company were to go out of business?
  4. Can they provide references from previous customers?
  5. Do they have the proper licenses?
  6. Will they do the entire project themselves or also hire subcontractors for some portions?
  7. How long will the installation take?
  8. Which company will they hire to provide the solar energy system equipment?

In conclusion, if you as a customer ask these questions, you can feel safe that you’ve picked a great solar panel installation company.

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Solar Panel Installation Company Selection Process
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Solar Panel Installation Company Selection Process
Solar panel installation company selection is one of the most important steps in having a successful and profitable solar panel installation.
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