
SOLAR Install GURU Blog


Mohidul Saad

Mohidul Saad is a co-founder of SOLARINSTALLGURU.COM, author and renewable energy benefit educator. He provides FREE online and offline training to home and business owners who are interested in reducing their electricity bills by 90 percent while slashing solar panel installation cost by 30-80 percent. DOWNLOAD this FREE renewable energy benefit education guide "101 ways to install solar system with little or no out of pocket cost" and start saving today.

Solar Panel Price: How Much Do The Solar Panels Cost?

updated at : Friday, February 24th, 2017

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Solar panel price is the high ticket item when calculating the total solar panel installation cost. When looking at the total solar panel installation cost, it divides into two categories:

  1. Solar Energy Equipment Cost
  2. Permitting and Labor Costs

Solar panel price ans polar panel installation cost

Solar Panel Price and Solar Panel Installation Cost

The solar energy equipment cost includes the solar panels, inverter, mounting hardware, and wiring. The other category includes the installation labor cost and permit cost. There is another cost which comes after the solar panel installation has been completed and goes into operation. The operational cost includes monitoring, maintenance, and repairs. On average, the total cost for installing a solar system will be between $16,000 and $32,000 for systems of average size ranging between 4kW and 8kW. This price is before accounting for the federal solar tax credit and solar rebates that are available.  The financial aspect should not be any sort of monumental hindrance keeping you from living a greener lifestyle. If you install a 5000 Watts or 5 kW system, the average per watt cost would be about $4.00. So, 5000 X $4 which comes out to be $20,000.00.

If you want to get information on the federal solar tax credit and solar rebates offered by the federal and state governments, visit SOLARINSTALLGURU.COM. Furthermore, we will get all the info you need to equip yourself for having a very successful and profitable solar panel installation project.

download renewable energy benefit education guide for FREE and start saving thousands

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Solar Panel Price: How Much Do The Solar Panels Cost?
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Solar Panel Price: How Much Do The Solar Panels Cost?
Solar panel price is the most expensive when looking at the total solar panel installation cost. Learn ways you can slash solar panel installation cost.
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